Sunday, March 20, 2011

Angkor Thom

Constructed : Late 12th/Early 13th century
Religion: Buddhism
Style : Bayon
King : Jayavarman VII  
(1181 1218 )
Location : Just to 1.7 km in the North of Angkor Wat, a gigantic unit that one cannot miss, would not be this that because of the gate of entry and the bridge which precedes it. In the order, Angkor Wat, Ta Phrom Kel, Phnom Bakheng, Baksei Chamkrong, Prasat Bei and South Gate of Angkor Thom.
Comment : Angkor Thom (large Angkor ) is a royal city of 10 Km² surrounded by walls and ditches. There still, a book would not be enough to describe all the richness of this unit. The tourists in a hurry will cross the site in less than one hour, but those which are interested a little in this style of construction can largely envisage a half day on the spot! When Jayavarman VII started the construction of Large Angkor, Baphuon and Phimeanakas existed already but had been devastated by Chams.
Five majestic doors, whose stones sometimes mix with the roots of splendid trees, crowned giant heads, decorate the four cardinal points of the city and the access road to the Royal Palace. The construction of Large Angkor was the celebration of a victory (from where probably the door of this name) for Jayavarman VII after it drove out the Cham enemy at the end of the 12° century.
Angkor Thom is enormous temple which is protected in the rampart and the ring moat. As for the rampart around to be made accurately with the laterite, height approximately 8 meters. As for ring moat around 100 meters in width, as for depth 5 or 6 meters. Angkor Thom  the north east which keeps reducing altitude – is located with respect to pivot southwest. Because of that, north east angle to be high southwest angle is low. The vertical separation presently approximately 10 meters. It took in the water of the ring moat from north east angle making use of this vertical separation, inside the castle flowed and accumulated in Angkor Thom in southwest angle, from here was discharged in the ring moat.
There is a Bayon temple on the Angkor thom center. You say that there were five ports, there was a door of the wood product in those and was closed in the night. There being a court of the woodwork inside, the king lived, in addition was a many temple and a reservoir. By the way, Angkor Thom (big capital) with being afterwards, it is the name which is accustomed.

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