Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Transparency in Accounts

A recent anti-corruption law was passed, giving much hope that the government now holds a legal backbone to address issues of transparency and accountability. What information is required to improve transparency. What are the limits and what could be the use of a Freedom of Information law ?
 Corruption and its affect
The corruption affect mostly in the poor children and block the way for global human development.

Anti-Corruption Meeting

Interview with representatives of the Council of Ministers and opposition spokespersons.

Military Uniforms

We tag our military plates feature with an ironic view on the production of fake military uniforms.

Rooting out Corruption

Transparency International's Index shows that 72% of people in Cambodia were asked to pay a bribe for basic services in 2007 - the highest figure in Asia. In the struggle against corruption, a petition with one million signatures has been delivered to the National Assembly. We ask why the anti-corruption law has not yet been adopted and we look at the government's new plans for a Freedom of Information Act.

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