Wednesday, March 23, 2011


National Assembly: How it works

This month, the National Assembly is expected to convene for the first time since the general elections. Few people understand how this institution functions and how the electorate is represented.

Funding Communes

There is much confusion about the way communes are funded. We look at how communes manage their funds and find out what activities the communes are responsible for.

Organic Law

Ouy Bounmy interviews parliamentarians Min Sean (CPP) and Eng Chhayeang (SRP) about the organic law that affects the management and administration of the cities and provinces.

Women in Politics

Men Samon (CPP) and Mu Sochua (SRP), two distinguished women politicians answer Ouy Bounmy about the participation of women in politics.

Reshaping the army

Young people comment on the need for a conscription law.

Talks with Cham Constituents

Ouy Bounmy interviews parliamentarians and senators in Kompong Cham during their meeting with the Cham constituents.

Village Chief

In the past, the village chief held many powers at the local level. Decentralisation has largely changed the role of the village chief. But many aspects of these functions remain unclear to many people.

Civil Law

This weeks, we host Sonn Chhay (SRP) and Men Sean (CPP) to tell us the recent development of the Civil Law.


Cambodia was the 10th country in 1997 to join Asean.  What benefits have been gained?


1- One-stop-service: in Battambang district, a project has been implemented for three years to provide administrative services to the population in an easier way. No need anymore to go to different departments. Many official requests, as moto plates, business licenses… can be made at the same place.
2- Five years after the first Communal elections, what are the achievements of decentralization? In Char commune, Battambang province, the people participation seems efficient.

The inauguration of the new National Assembly building

In Parliament, we interview the members of the National Assembly to see how the new facilities of Parliament will influence this institution.

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