Monday, March 21, 2011

Thma Bay Kaek

Construction : 10th century

Religion: Sivaism
Style : Bakheng
King : Yasovarman I   (889 – 910 )
Location : Between the south moat of Angkor Thom and Baksei Chamkrong, to the north of this last monument and 125m west of the road.
Thma Bay Kaek is a group of very small ruins and facing to the moat of Angkor Thom. The stylobate section of the laterite and portion of structure above upper deck of the brick making remain.
An excavation of the site discovered, under the paving of the sanctury charmber, an intact sacred deposit composed of a quincunx of five gold leaves. The larger central leaf was engraved with the outline of a standing bull: the traditional mount of Shiva.

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