Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Child Labour in Agriculture & Dams in the Great Lake

More than 3 million children attending school in Cambodia, 40% of them also spend time working in agriculture to support their families. This work can be dangerous and the pressure to make money can force these children to leave their studies forever.
Child Labour in Agriculture (Main Story)
Cambodia has committed to reduce child labour to 8% by 2015 and to totally eliminate serious form of child labour by 2016. Children who work in agriculture not only face physical risk to their health, but they also lose the opportunity to go to school and build a better life. Equity Weekly examines the efforts of the government and NGOs to take children out of the fields and get them back in the classroom.
Dams in the Great Lake (Feature)
In our feature we look at the plan to tear down reservoirs in the Great Lake. Although the dams help rice farmers irrigate their fields in the dry season, they endanger the fish ecosystem that so many Cambodians rely on for their livelihoods.

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