Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Amazing Maize

Cambodia mostly consumes two types of corn: the white and the red. The red one is mostly for animal feed.  We look at this emerging market and ask why after so many years of corn cultivation, the country still does not have its own seed variety. Is there a local market for animal feed? What can be done to improve the farmers' welfare?

The use of chemicals in agriculture

Ouy Bounmy brings us a special review of the ongoing discussions at this week's National Farmer Forum to regulate the use of chemicals in agriculture.

Lobster farms

Shrimps, crawfish and lobsters are in high demand in the local markets but the supply is far from sufficient. Also while over-fishing has taken a toll on the wild live stock, the Ministry of Fisheries has set up some lobster farming schemes to promote this potentially lucrative trade.

Cotton: a comeback?

Many farmers still find it difficult to match their crops with the real market needs. Cotton farmers gave up when there was no market. They tried cassava and the market fell. Now some are going back to cotton. But with tough competition on the world market, can Cambodian farmers make their mark?

The ceremony marking a large EU/FAO contriubution

This week, envoy Ouy Bounmy participates in a ceremony marking a large  EU/FAO contriubution to the agricultural sector. What are the main aims of this collaboration?

The brown planthopper

The brown planthopper is devastating thousands of hectares of rice and other crops in parts of the country.
 Read more: The brown planthopper

Pass the salt

Only a short while ago, Cambodia was exporting its salt. The Kampot salt fields were promising a good future. But this year, the country needs to import 60 000 tons. Is it due to the development projects or the bad season ?


An ingenious scheme helps rice farmers in Battambang to make better profits while piloting eco-friendly energies.Here, rice husks power a machine used to remove husks, clean grain and produce animal feed. The system is based on efficiency - we go to ask if it helps farmers.

The increase of funds for loans in the agricultural sector

This week, we interview Ouk Ra Bun (Secretary of State, Ministry of Finance) and Ly Srey Vina (SRP) on the increase of funds for loans in the agricultural sector. The national budget has received more funding for agricultural loans.

Net profits in fish farming

Fish stocks are being depleted all over the country. Overfishing and illegal practices have made it hard to sustain the fish trade. This issue also affects the sea fishing as the area in now raked out of fish by trawling boats. One idea is a fish farm. What are the main issues at stake with fish farming in the sea?

Farmers deceived by Yam market

Farmers can suffer badly from a lack of information-flow. Local markets depend on this to compete on the international level. Yam farmers have just learned this lesson. But what mechansims are in place for next year?

The Cost of Tobacco

Tobacco is the world's biggest killer. Millions die each year due to smoking related illnesses. Storng anti-tobacco campaigns have recently managed to reduce the problem in many parts of the world. What are the Cambodian policies on smoking? Tobacco farmers wonder if they should change the crops.

Dampeo Rice Bank

Many rural communities rely solely on rie farming to survive. To balance out the financial impact of bad seasons, a rice bank was developed to help the Dampeo rice farming community.

Rice farmers facing inflation

The country is exporting more rice year after year. As the price of rice increases world-wide, we ask if farmers are better off or if the cost of seeds and pesticides out-weigh their benefits.

The Yam Market

Many farmers are looking for new options to diversify their crops and increase their earnings. The Yam market offers interesting opportunities for people in Kompong Cham.

Rice production is the backbone of Cambodian agriculture. Many rice farmers produce and sell rice but regularly have to buy rice back to complete the season. As farmers start to invest in machines, experts contend farmers need to diversify and better manage in order to continue competing with other nations.

Lack of fish to make Prahoc

Global warming and lack or rain has affected the breeding grounds of fish used to make Prahoc. Due to low supply the cost of Prahoc has increased almost ten-fold in places.

The Rova pump

The Rova pump is a new Cambodian design. Now you do not need to lift heavy buckets and the top of the well is sealed: it will help protect you from water borne diseases.

Fish farming images

This week we show fish farming images. Breeding fish can be a good business and can also limit the damage done to natural fish stocks - if it is done properly...

Papaya Oil

Papaya plantations are developed in Malay area to provide alternatives to fuel. With three kilos of Papaya seeds, one kilo of oil can be produced. Why is Cambodia at odds with other countries on this issue?

Palm sugar production

How encouraging palm sugar production avoids trees being cut (Kompong Chhnang).

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