Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Audits on Corruption and Policy Stand in Government

Mr Bounmy talks of the audits on corruption and the recent policy stand in the government and opposition regarding  this issue, particularly in relation to the prospects of oil revenues.

New Conscription Sub-decree

Interview with Phay Siphan, spokesperson for the council of ministers and key opposition members.

The 3 Powers

What do people think about the 3 government bodies?

Cheap motorbikes facing high tax

Poor people bought cheap motorbikes. Most have motor without taxes-paid. The poor pay the price again and they wait for nightfall to go home to avoid traffic wardens.

Law on administrative management

Son Chhay-SRP and Prum Sokha, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Interior give their views on the way that governors and provincial councils will work under the law on administrative management.

Merit Based Pay

How much money is lost each year by the government on its 'ghost' staff? A few NGOs work with the government to develop merit based pay systems.

Constitution and Annual Congress

Cheam Yeap (CPP) and Sok Sam Oeun of Cambodian Defenders Project comment on the recent idea to revoke the constitution and to cancel the Annual Congress. What are the stakes?

D&D - Communes getting organised

Deconcentration and Decentralisation efforts are deployed all over the country. The undertaking is huge in scale and it stretches the capacities of local administrations. A new Commune Association is now actively looking at ways to fill these gaps.

Military Budgets - Politics and Society

Ouy Bounmy Interviews Parliamentarians Cheam Yeap of CPP and Yem Sovann of SRP on the need to increase military budget in the wake of the Preah Viehear events.

Low trust in Public services

Ambulance and firemen have been accused of corruption. In cases, this low level corruption has led to the loss of lives of innocent victims. There is a very low perception of public services. Parallel systems create even more confusion.

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