Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Constituencies and MPs

A recent report by COMFREL reveals gaps between the people and their members of Parliament. Confusion reigns as to what their roles are and why they do not appear to meet their constituencies. The MPs are supposed to work from their provincial offices but people say that most of the time, the doors are closed. Some claim that their budgets are not sufficient to visit the provinces. What can be achieved so that people and their elected representatives communicate more and better?
 Check points re-appear
Check points have started to re-appear in some places.How do we recognise if they are legal or illegal?

Aid Reform

Since January 2010, a large number of projects and aid activities have been affected by an important reform. The Ministry of Finance is now looking to better identify the level of aid provided to the Ministries. Donors and development partners are asking for the reform but its implementation is shaking the foundations of major projects in health, education and much more...

The brand new census

To better the reliability of statistics, a brand new census will specially look at the agricultural sector, Our envoy Ouy Bounmy interviews Cedac Director Yang Siang Koma and HRP Parliamentaian Yem Ponhearith.
 Millennium development role
Professor Hans Rosling responds to our key questions on the MDGs. What is the pace of development? What are the gaps in Cambodia?

Mr Bounmy meet with representatives of the Asia Economic Forum about the recent meeting held in Phnom Penh to increase the strategic role of Asia in the world and its position of the AEF on climate change.
 Ministries ready to switch to Unicode
The government is making a final drive to have all its Ministries ready to switch to Unicode. Khmer fonts have been a major problem for the last decade. Will Unicode bring unity?
 Convenience Flags
For a number of fiscal reasons, ships come to register and navigate under ther Cambodian Flag. This is called flag of convenience. How does this affect the country's naval structure and regulation ? What are the benefits such agreements ?
 Drafted expropriation law
The Civil Society and Political debated about Drafted Expropriation Law.

The tax system

Next year, the government will increase taxes on vihicles and on land. But there is a weak tax culture in the country. Many people still do not understand how the tax syestem functions. We try to explain the premise of the tax system and look at how this could help to reduce corruption.
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